SqlInjector is an application to perform completely blind SQL injection. Currently it only supports MS
SQL Server. It uses time and true/false based inference to conditions to extract data. The key feature
is that it uses a binary search mechanism to reduce the character search address space; this means it
can get each character value within 7 to 8 requests.
Binary search for faster character identification
Completely blind injection using time based inference
True/False inference
Supports MS SQL Server
Extracts database name
Extracts current user
Extracts server version
Extracts table names
Extracts column names
Extracts column data types
Extracts column lengths
Configurable space encoding
Configurable wait timing
Tree view display of enumerated data
Resume support
Save/Loading of project files
Proxy support
Authentication support (Basic, Negotiate, Digest, NTLM, X509)
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