Saturday, July 23, 2011

Albertino Advanced RAT & Binder v4.2


[*]Polymorphic STUB[*]Flags[*]Multi-Tasking (Control all features on same client simultaneously.)[*]Reverse Connection (Connect Behind Routers)[*]UPnP Manager (Run RAT without port forwarding) (on most routers)[*]Multi-Clients Management (Control few clients simultaneously)[*]Remote Client Information (Basic client info)[*]Last 25 visited web pages[*]Send Fake Messages[*]Funny Stuff (Hide Desktop Icons, Hide Start Button, Hide Task Bar, Open-Close CD-Rom, Flip Screen, Swap Mouse buttons, Lock CTRL+ALT+DEL and more)[*]IE Options (Get Version, Change Home Page, Change IE Title, Open Website.)[*]Control Panel (Shutdown PC, Restart PC, Logoff User)[*]Clipboard Manager (Get Clipboard, Set Clipboard, Clear Clipboard.)[*]Remote Server Download (Download files and execute them.)[*]Printer Manager (Print to Default Printer)[*]File Manager (Download and Upload Locally, Execute, Delete File, Delete Folder, Make Folder, Rename, File Size)[*]Search Files (Search for any file or type on remote PC.)[*]Keylogger (Get all keystrokes from remote PC.)[*]Remote Passwords (FF 2,3 and 3.5+, IE7-8, Chrome, MSN (+Live Messenger), Trillian, IMVU, Pidgin, No-IP, DyDNS, FileZilla, Outlook (no drops or external references))[*]Processes Manager (List all running processes with the ability to close selected.)[*]Services Manager (List all services, Stop-Start Service, Disable-Manual-Autostart Service.)[*]Windows Manager (Control Opened Windows (Close, Hide, Minimize, Maximize, Restore, Default, No Active))[*]Remote Desktop (Watch Live Remote Desktop with ability to change Image Quality, Remote Control and many others))[*]Remote WebCam (Watch Live Remote WebCam (Save capture as video to file as XVID, DIVX and others))[*]Registry Editor (List, Create, Edit, Delete registry keys)[*]Send to All (Download and run file from website to all clients, Upload and run file from your PC to all clients, Run a DDOS (small bot))[*]Command Prompt Line (Manage remote cmd as your own.)[*]Client Geo Location[*]Multi Binder Included. (New polymorphic technology method)[*]Icon Changer[*]Assembly Editor


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